Category Linux

Resource Monitoring(Linux)

Hello Friends, In this post I’ll tell you how to monitor Linux system in. Note: If any tool is not found in your linux system, install it by: apt-get install <tool-name> and if you are not understanding any tool use…

Wifi Hacking

Wifi Hacking with Kali Linux Disclaimer: This post only serves only educational purposes and I don’t take responsibility for your actions. Note: In this tutorial, I tested this is on my own network, make sure you are not doing this…


In this tutorial, we will learn about how to exploit VNC (protocol 3.3), I find vulnerable VNC (protocol 3.3) in metasploitable, that is vulnerable, we will exploit it using Metasploit (msfconsole). here, we can see that we found our VNC…


Steganography(stego) is the art of hiding the message inside, something else, for example, A message inside a jpg file, or a binary inside a png. Steganography has been used since ancient times to deliver messages that they don’t want others…

Wifi Jamming

Wifi Jamming with Kali Linux Disclaimer: This post only serves only educational purposes and I don’t take responsibility for your actions. Note: In this tutorial, I tested this is on my own network, make sure you are not doing this…