Tag active directory pentesting


This is the Write-up/Walkthrough of the RETRO2 Active Directory Machine from VULNLAB. Note: IP is changed in some commands because stopping and starting the machine again gives new IP every time. NMAP SCAN: Analyzing the nmap report, reveals the domain RETRO2.VL.…


This is the Write-up/Walkthrough of the HYBRID  Active Directory Chain Machine from VULNLAB. NMAP SCAN for Machine 1: Domain: HYBRID.VL, BIOS NAME: DC01 Looking at the Domain, Found that this is root domain. NMAP SCAN for Machine 2: Looking at the Nmap result,…


This is the Writeup/Walkthrough of the SUPPORT Machine from Hackthebox. nmap scan: ON smb, found 3 shares, on suppported-tools directory, downloaded UserInfo.exe.zip, extracted the all files, and used dnSpy to debug the UserInfo.exe file, after debugging found a password for…