Tag hackthebox


This is the write-up/Walkthrough of the DRIVER Machine from Hackthebox. nmap scan: Visited port 80, asked for a username and password, tried logged in as admin:admin and it’s works after that, got the printer update firmware portal, which allows us…


This is the Writeup/Walkthrough of the SUPPORT Machine from Hackthebox. nmap scan: ON smb, found 3 shares, on suppported-tools directory, downloaded UserInfo.exe.zip, extracted the all files, and used dnSpy to debug the UserInfo.exe file, after debugging found a password for…

Forest Writeup | HackTheBox

nmap scan: Domain: htb.local Host: FOREST Enumerating users with enum4linux and ldapsearch using ldapsearch to enumerate users and groups after getting the users, save the users in a file, after that, i used getNPUsers tool of impacket to get the…

Timelapse – Hackthebox

Hello friends, This is a quick write-up of the Timelapse machine from HACKTHEBOX. downloaded winrm_backup.zip Extracting key and certificate from .pfx file Cracking legacy.pfx Powershell history of user legacy extracting laps passwords: After finding the Administrator password, you know what to…


Hello friends, This is a quick and raw writeup for ARCTIC machine from HACKTHEBOX. found port 8500 open running website, A coldfusion cms type thing running. found exploit of version 8 and exploited using public python script, after that i…


Hello friends, This is a quick and raw Writeup for DEVEL machine from HACKTHEBOX. Scanning: FTP allows upload, so after uploading aspnet reverse shell, i got the shell visiting web, then using hta metasploit module got shell in meterpreter. Using…